Profile of Sensei Gary Goltz

Gary Goltz is a 9th Dan, Degree Black Belt

He founded Goltz Judo in October 1987

Sensei Gary Throughout the Years video and his thoughts on The Benefits of Judo Training

Sensei Gary Featured on the Well Rounded Grappler Podcast 

Sensei Gary in Masters Magazine Article & Video

Sensei Gary's Interview & Comments on the 2024 Olympics on The Martial Podcast

Sensei Gary's Black Belt Magazine Blog Archive on Muck Rack

Sensei Gary currently serves as President of the Hal Sharp Judo Teachers Foundation. He was past President of the Nanka Judo Yudanshakai (Southern California's Judo Black Belt Federation). He was also past President of the United States Judo Association (USJA), past Chair of their National Promotion Board, and was inducted into their Hall of Fame in 2003.

Sensei Gary with Jack Black, the Conan Video & Forman kids who are in the video

Links to - The Complete Tiger Roll Video Story (includes the original submissions) & The Huffington Post Article

Sensei Gary began his study of judo while in 6th grade (1965-66), inspired by watching Bruce Lee as Kato on TV's The Green Hornet. Initially he enrolled in a weekly class held at the Jewish Community Center of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sensei Gary's hometown.

The Atlantic on What It Means to Understand Bruce Lee June 2020

There he met the late Kyu Ha Kim, 10th Dan and two-time All Korean Champion. Gary trained for more than a decade under Mr. Kim (see Sensei Gary in a 1968 newspaper story & in a 1970 film clip shot at Mr. Kim's). He also trained for several years under Dr. Kiel Soon Park, a 1967 World Silver Medalist, who today is a 9th Dan and President of Korean Yudo Association of America.


Sensei Gary at the Pittsburgh YMHA 1966, AAU Championships 1968, & YMCA 1969


Sensei Gary with his mentor, Dr. Kiel Soon Park in 1971 & in 2019

In 1971, Sensei Gary initiated the judo program at the University of Pittsburgh. Gary began to emerge as a judo leader in Pittsburgh after joining forces with the late Nick Zaffuto in 1975 who helped him to get elected Allegheny Mountain Region - AAU Chairman in 1977. (See 3 more classic Pittsburgh Judo Stories; Sun-Telegraph 11-1-1958 & Post Gazette 12-26-1962, & Ron Pardini's Story)

Sensei Gary & Arnell Newsome with the late Nick Zaffuto in 1975

Sensei Gary's mentors; the late Kyu Ha Kim & the late Dr. Oswaldo Zarantonello

Goltz Judo became affiliated with Claremont's Human Services Division in 1990 where it has reigned as their largest program.

Sensei Gary, Kyu Ha Kim, Jin Kyung Suk, Head of the Korean Yudo College, (Yong-in University today) along with the late Andy Bernard, George Mower, Eddie Adelson, & the late Laird Allen in 1972

Kyu Ha Kim & Sensei Gary with the Pitt Judo Club in 2016 which he started as a freshman in 1971

More Photos, Videos, & Articles on Sensei Gary:

Sensei Gary in Black Belt (Black Belt Magazine photos)

More of Sensei Gary's Judo Credentials:


Awards to Sensei Gary for
advising the LAPD & helping run the 2017 World Police Games

Sensei Gary with fellow marital arts advisors to the LAPD's Arrest & Control Unit in 2006

·         Los Angeles Police Department, Defensive Tactics Consultant

·         USJA Master Rank Examiner & Kata Instructor

·         USA Judo National Referee & International Coach

·         JRDG Kappo Katsu-Hou (Japanese Resuscitation) Certified in 1996

·         Harmonetiks - Easy Breath Certified in 2024

Sensei Gary's Distinctions as a Judo Coach:

Olympic Champion Saito, Dr. Z, & Sensei Gary with Blind Team at the Kodokan

·         US Blind Judo Team, 1991 IBSA World Judo Championships

·         California Goodwill 1992 & 1995 Judo Missions to Japan

·         Callae Goltz, 1990 to 1994 Junior National Champion


Callae Goltz, 1992 Triple Crown Cover & with the late Keiko Fukuda, 10th Dan in 1993

·         Gabriel Goltz, 1992 & 1993 Junior National Champion

·          Nathan Goltz, 1992 to 1994 Junior National Champion

Nathan Goltz & his dad, Sensei Gary doing the reshoot for a classic judo book

·        United States Judo Association 2003 Coach of the Year

·         Inez Torres, 2013 & 2015 Junior National Champion

·         JoJo & Sadie Forman, 2016 - 2019 #1 Junior National Players

·         Paul Bova, 2018 IJF World Veteran's Gold Medalist

Sensei Gary & Paul Bova in Cancun

Sensei Gary with his kids & the late Toshiro Daigo, 10th Dan in 1995 (Note is from 2010)

Sensei Gary with the late Yukimitsu Kano (Jigoro Kano's grandson) at the Kodokan 1991

·          Lead the USJA from a $50K deficit to a $80K surplus - Interview

·          Initiated USJA's recognition of Theodore Roosevelt and Jeremy Glick

·      Created the Grassroots Judo™ Joint Summer & Winter Nationals

·          Donated the Winter Nationals to Nanka yielding +$75 per year

·        Left Nanka with a positive balance, today worth nearly $300K

·         Helped to form the American Judo Alliance Agreement (AJA)

·         Developed the All American Judo Membership Program (AAM)

Sensei Gary at historic AJA Meeting with Mark Hill, Kevin Asano, John Paccione, Keith Bryant, Robert Fukuda, & Neil Simon


Presidents Lance Nading, USA Judo, Kevin Asano, USJF, & Sensei Gary, USJA with Kayla Harrison holding her Olympic gold medal

Sensei Gary with 2012 & 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist, Kayla Harrison


Sensei Gary with 2012 Olympic Bronze Medalist, Marti Malloy & 2016 Silver Medalist, Travis Stevens

Sensei Gary with the late Yosh Uchida, 10th Dan, 1964 US Olympic Coach


Sensei Gary presenting Ronda Rousey UFC Superstar her promotion and other shots (his Black Belt Magazine article about her)

Sensei Gary presenting Jason Morris, 92 Olympic Silver Medalist, USJF Hall of Fame Award with teammate Tony Okada

Sensei Gary & Karo Parisyan of the UFC (his Black Belt Magazine article with him)

Sensei Gary & Sensei OJ with Double Bronze Medalist Israel Hernandez & Sensei Gary with Nicolas Gill

Sensei Gary & OJ's 2012 Cuba trip with the late Ronaldo Veitia coach of the women's team

Sensei Gary and his late friend Jin Iizumi, 8th Dan author of the Soft Judo DVD Series

The late Hal Sharp 10th Dan and Sensei Gary President of his Teacher's Foundation

Sensei Gary with the late George Harris, 10th Dan in 1977 & 2007


Sensei Gary, Jim Bregman 1964 Olympic Medalist 10th Dan, & Yonah Melnik Israeli Coach, and with Yarden Gerbi 2016 Olympic Medalist

Sensei Gary presenting City of Los Angeles Proclamation in 2007 to Hayward Nishioka, 10th Dan

Sensei Gary with Hayward Nishioka in 2024

Sensei Gary's Black Belt Blog on the late Judo Gene LeBell & Memorial by Hayward

Sensei Gary with his close friend and mentor the late Karl Geis, 10th Dan

Sensei Gary & Jim Bregman in Shanksville, PA with the family of Flight 93 hero Jeremy Glick, 10th Dan

Sensei Gary with British Judo legend Neil Adams, 9th Dan

Sensei Gary with 2020 US Olympic Judo Team Member Colton Brown

Sensei Gary, Chinese 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist Tong Wen & Fabin Jiang 92 Asian Games Silver Medalist

The late Sensei Yoshisada Yonezuka presented U.S. Sumo Federation Honorary Life Membership to Sensei Gary for his years of support


"with much respect" from judoka / actor Bo Svenson

Sensei Gary, D.J. Mbenga, Kobe Bryant, & Dwight Howard at Clippers / Lakers demo

Sensei Gary promoting to 2nd Dan acclaimed author Barry Eisler

The late Helio Gracie signed "to my good friend Sensei Gary" in his book

Ken Teshima, CFO of Nanka, the late karate legend Sensei Fumio Demura, & Sensei Gary in 2017

Sensei Gary with 'Karate Kid / Cobra Kai' Sensei No Mercy Kreese, Martin Kove

Sensei Gary with Enter the Dragon Karate star the late Bob Wall

Sensei Gary's Education, Business Affiliations. Awards:

·         BA, University of Pittsburgh, Rhetoric, Cum Laude, 1976

·         MBA, Pepperdine University, President/Key Executive Program, 1988

·       Ernst & Young, Los Angeles Entrepreneur of the Year, Nominee, 1993

Life Member, California Highway Patrol 11-99 Foundation, 1998

Principal, Goltz Business Development Group, since 1995

Corporate Accounts Vice President, Nuzuna Wellness, since 2019

·         Recipient, Mayor's Certificate of Tribute, City of Los Angeles, 2000

·         Los Angeles City Council, Hollywood Parade Director, 2005 - 2015

·        Chaffey School District, Community Service Award, 1995

Sensei Gary's Look-Alikes Over the Years:


Mother of Women's Judo the late Rusty Kanokogi sent this photo with the late James Gandolfini to Sensei Gary in 2009 noting, he does look like you!

The Soprano's & Kosher Nostra behind Goltz Judo

Was that Sensei Gary or Bruce Willis?

Was that Sensei Gary or Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees?

 Was that Sensei Gary or the Winston Model from 1977?

 Sensei Gary with his Broderick Crawford Highway Patrol 1955 Buick

and with Ronda Rousey

Sensei Gary's Other Hobbies and Interests:   

Sensei Gary relaxing at home with his beloved dogs

Sensei Gary with his wife Sharon and all the members of his favorite group, CSNY

Sensei Gary's Contact Information:

  Voice/Text: 909-702-3250   Email:


Goltz Judo's Website